
This function is used for converting sorted bam file to bed file.


Read1 and read2 will be merged in paired end data.


bam2bed(bamInput=None, outputdir=None,
        paired=True, stepNum=None,
  • bamInput: list, input bam files.

  • outputdir: str, output result folder, None means the same folder as input files.

  • threads: int, how many thread to use.

  • paired: boolean, paired end or single end.

  • lenFilter: Whether filter fragment by length, only for paired data.

  • minLen: Min fragment length.

  • maxLen: Max fragment length.

  • stepNum: int or str, step flag for folder name.

  • upstream: upstream output results, used for pipeline.

  • verbose: bool, True means print all stdout, but will be slow; False means black stdout verbose, much faster.

Example usage:

bams = ["test1.bam", "test1.bam"]
