fraglenplot_comp ================ This function is used for compare the fragments' lengths in case and control samples. .. note:: This function do not suit for single end data. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python fraglenplot_comp(casebedInput=None, ctrlbedInput=None, outputdir=None, maxLimit=500, labelInput=None, threads=1, stepNum=None, caseupstream=None, ctrlupstream=None, verbose=True,) - casebedInput: list, input bed files of case samples. - ctrlbedInput: list, input bed files of control samples. - outputdir: str, output result folder, None means the same folder as input files. - maxLimit: int, maximum length to be considered. - labelInput: list, [name_of_case, name_of_control](e.g. ["HCC", "CTR"]) - ratio1, ratio2: proportion statistics break point, default: 150, 400 - threads: int, how many thread to use. - stepNum: int or str, step flag for folder name. - caseupstream: upstream output results, used for pipeline. - ctrlupstream: upstream output results, used for pipeline. - verbose: bool, True means print all stdout, but will be slow; False means black stdout verbose, much faster. Example usage: .. code:: python from cfDNApipe import * import glob import pysam pipeConfigure( threads=20, genome="hg19", refdir=r"path_to_genome/hg19", outdir=r"path_to_output/pcs_fraglen", data="WGS", type="paired", JavaMem="10G", build=True, ) verbose = False case_bed = glob.glob("/data/wzhang/pcs_final/HCC/*.bed") ctrl_bed = glob.glob("/data/wzhang/pcs_final/Healthy/*.bed") res_fraglenplot_comp = fraglenplot_comp( casebedInput=case_bed, ctrlbedInput=ctrl_bed, caseupstream=True, verbose=verbose)