dbimport ======== This function is to import the normal samples' mutation VCF into GenomicsDB using gatk. .. note:: This function is calling gatk GenomicsDBImport, please install GATK before using. `gatk official docs `__ McKenna, Aaron, et al. "The Genome Analysis Toolkit: a MapReduce framework for analyzing next-generation DNA sequencing data." Genome research 20.9 (2010): 1297-1303. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python dbimport(vcfInput=None, outputdir=None, genome=None, ref=None, threads=1, stepNum=None, upstream=None, verbose=False) - vcfInput: list, vcf files. - outputdir: str, output result folder, None means the same folder as input files. - threads: int, how many thread to use. - genome: str, human genome version, just support "hg19" and "hg38" - ref: str, reference folderpath. - stepNum: int or str, step flag for folder name. - upstream: upstream output results, used for call snp pipeline, just can be mutect2n. This parameter can be True, which means a new pipeline start. - verbose: bool, True means print all stdout, but will be slow; False means black stdout verbose, much faster. .. warning:: We recommend using this function incase-control SNV detection. For a detailed tutorial, please see `SNV detection tutorial `__. Example usage: .. code:: python from cfDNApipe import * import glob # set global configure pipeConfigure2( threads=100, genome="hg19", refdir=r"path_to_reference/hg19", outdir=r"path_to_output/snv_output", data="WGS", type="paired", case="cancer", ctrl="normal", JavaMem="10g", build=True, ) Configure2.snvRefCheck(folder="path_to_reference/hg19/SNV_hg19", build=True) case_bams = glob.glob("path_to_samples/cancer/*.bam") ctrl_bams = glob.glob("path_to_samples/normal/*.bam") # create PON file from normal samples switchConfigure("normal") ctrl_addRG = addRG(bamInput=ctrl_bams, upstream=True, stepNum="PON00",) ctrl_BaseRecalibrator = BaseRecalibrator( upstream=ctrl_addRG, knownSitesDir=Configure2.getConfig("snv.folder"), stepNum="PON01", ) ctrl_BQSR = BQSR(upstream = ctrl_BaseRecalibrator, stepNum="PON02",) ctrl_mutect2n = mutect2n(upstream = ctrl_BQSR, stepNum="PON03",) ctrl_dbimport = dbimport(upstream = ctrl_mutect2n, stepNum="PON04",) ctrl_createPon = createPON(upstream = ctrl_dbimport, stepNum="PON05",) # performing comparison between cancer and normal switchConfigure("cancer") case_addRG = addRG(bamInput=case_bams, upstream=True, stepNum="SNV00",) case_BaseRecalibrator = BaseRecalibrator( upstream=case_addRG, knownSitesDir=Configure2.getConfig("snv.folder"), stepNum="SNV01", ) case_BQSR = BQSR( upstream=case_BaseRecalibrator, stepNum="SNV02") case_getPileup = getPileup( upstream=case_BQSR, biallelicvcfInput=Configure2.getConfig('snv.ref')["7"], stepNum="SNV03", ) case_contamination = contamination( upstream=case_getPileup, stepNum="SNV04" ) # In this step, ponbedInput is ignored by using caseupstream parameter case_mutect2t = mutect2t( caseupstream=case_contamination, ctrlupstream=ctrl_createPon, vcfInput=Configure2.getConfig('snv.ref')["6"], stepNum="SNV05", ) case_filterMutectCalls = filterMutectCalls( upstream=case_mutect2t, stepNum="SNV06" ) case_gatherVCF = gatherVCF( upstream=case_filterMutectCalls, stepNum="SNV07" ) # split somatic mutations case_somatic = bcftoolsVCF(upstream=case_gatherVCF, stepNum="somatic") # split germline mutations case_germline = bcftoolsVCF( upstream=case_gatherVCF, other_params={"-f": "'germline'"}, suffix="germline", stepNum="germline" )