cnvbatch ======== This function is used for cnv calling using cnvkit. .. note:: This function is calling batch, please install cnvkit before using. `cnvkit official docs `__ Talevich, Eric, et al. "CNVkit: genome-wide copy number detection and visualization from targeted DNA sequencing." PLoS computational biology 12.4 (2016): e1004873. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python cnvbatch(casebamInput=None, ctrlbamInput=None, outputdir=None, genome=None, ref=None, threads=1, access=None, annotate=None, reference_cnn=None, other_params={"-m": "wgs", "-y": True}, stepNum=None, caseupstream=None, ctrlupstream=None, verbose=False, **kwargs) - casebamInput: list, case bam files, only this part of bam files will call cnv. - casebamInput: list, ctrl bam files, this bam files is using for generating reference cnn, will not call cnv. - outputdir: str, output result folder, None means the same folder as input files. - threads: int, how many thread to use. - genome: str, human genome version, just support "hg19" and "hg38" - ref: str, reference folderpath. - access: str, an "access" file precomputed for the UCSC reference human genome, with some know low-mappability regions excluded. eg: access-5kb-mappable.hg19.bed. - annotate: str, Gene annotation databases, eg. refFlat_hg19.txt. - reference_cnn: str, reference cnn file, you can using the ready-made cnn file as baseline. - stepNum: int or str, step flag for folder name. - other_params: str or dict. other parameters for cnvkit batch. default is {"-m": "wgs", "-y": True}, which means WGS data, and the ref is male. - caseupstream: case upstream output results, used for call cnv pipeline. This parameter can be True, which means a new pipeline start. - ctrlupstream: ctrl upstream output results. .. warning:: We recommend using this function in bin-level CNV detection. Example usage: .. code:: python from cfDNApipe import * import glob pipeConfigure( threads=60, genome="hg19", refdir=r"path_to_reference/hg19", outdir=r"path_to_output/snv_output", data="WGS", type="paired", build=True, JavaMem="10G", ) bams = ["test1.bam", "test1.bam"] verbose = True res_cnvbatch = cnvbatch( casebamInput=bams, caseupstream=True, access=Configure.getConfig("access-mappable"), annotate=Configure.getConfig("refFlat"), verbose=verbose, stepNum="CNV01", ) res_cnvPlot = cnvPlot(upstream=res_cnvbatch, verbose=verbose, stepNum="CNV02",) res_cnvTable = cnvTable( upstream=res_cnvbatch, verbose=verbose, stepNum="CNV03", ) res_cnvHeatmap = cnvHeatmap( upstream=res_cnvbatch, verbose=verbose, stepNum="CNV04", )