calculate_methyl ================ This function is used for computing methylation level from indexed methylation coverage file. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python calculate_methyl(tbxInput=None, bedInput=None, outputdir=None, threads=1, stepNum=None, upstream=None,) - tbxInput: list, input indexed methylation coverage files. - bedInput: str, bed file contains genome regions which will be computed for methylation level. - outputdir: str, output result folder, None means the same folder as input files. - threads: int, how many thread to use. - stepNum: int or str, step flag for folder name. - upstream: upstream output results, used for pipeline. - verbose: bool, True means print all stdout, but will be slow; False means black stdout verbose, much faster. .. warning:: We recommend using this function with bismark related functions. Example usage: .. code:: python from cfDNApipe import * pipeConfigure( threads=60, genome="hg19", refdir=r"path_to_reference/hg19_bismark", outdir=r"path_to_output/WGBS", data="WGBS", type="paired", build=True, JavaMem="10g", ) fq1 = ["test1_1.fq", "test2_1.fq"] fq2 = ["test1_2.fq", "test2_2.fq"] res_bismark = bismark(seqInput1=fq1, seqInput2=fq2, ref="path_to_bismark_genome", upstream=True, threads=30, paired=True) res_deduplicate = bismark_deduplicate( upstream=res_bismark, other_params=dudupOP, verbose=verbose ) res_methyextract = bismark_methylation_extractor( upstream=res_deduplicate, other_params=extractMethyOP, verbose=verbose ) res_compressMethy = compress_methyl(upstream=res_methyextract, verbose=verbose) res_calMethy = calculate_methyl( upstream=res_compressMethy, bedInput=methyRegion, verbose=verbose )