Configure ========= This function is used for setting all the pipe configures. .. note:: Configure or Configure2 should be called before analysis. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python # get configure names Configure.getConfigs() # get configure through name Cinfigure.getConfig(key) # set configure through name Cinfigure.setConfig(key, val) # additional function: check virus genome Configure.virusGenomeCheck(folder=None, build=False) # additional function: check SNV reference Configure.snvRefCheck(folder=None, build=False) - key, val: key and value. - folder: folder path to the virus genome or snv genome files. - build: download and build by cfDNApipe or not. Example usage: .. code:: python from cfDNApipe import * import glob pipeConfigure( threads=60, genome="hg19", refdir=r"path_to_reference/hg19", outdir=r"path_to_output/snv_output", data="WGS", type="paired", build=True, JavaMem="10G", ) Configure.getConfigs() Cinfigure.getConfig("genome")